Creating my Facebook page is No easy task

Let me share the story behind the scenes that led to the launch of my "Learning Together" Facebook page this weekend. I am not that new to using various social media to complement my communication in my personal and professional life. I host one blog - this one- and that is just about what I can cope with and which I enjoy thoroughly. This blog is meant to cover all my ramblings in my various spaces. If you are a regular reader, then you will know by now that the posts give you a snapshot of just about anything. So, the blog serves as my outlet and it provides entertainment, a reflective space or learning nuggets for both the readers and me. Now here is the rub. I am in the education sector and often I find interesting websites, blogs or articles I would like to share with the teacher fraternity I serve. My dilemma was: if I place all the links on my blog, it may lose its three dimensional flavour. Judging by the popularity of posts that are predominantly a...