
Showing posts from January, 2014

Creating my Facebook page is No easy task

Let me share the story behind the scenes that led to the launch of my "Learning Together" Facebook page this weekend. I am not that new to using various social media to complement my communication in my personal and professional life.  I host one blog - this one- and that is just about what I can cope with and which I enjoy thoroughly. This blog is meant to cover all my ramblings in my various spaces. If you are a regular reader, then you will know by now that the posts give you a snapshot of just about anything.  So, the blog serves as my outlet and it provides entertainment, a reflective space or learning nuggets for both the readers and me.  Now here is the rub. I am in the education sector and often I find interesting websites, blogs or articles I would like to share with the teacher fraternity I serve.  My dilemma was: if I place all the links on my blog, it may lose its three dimensional flavour. Judging by the popularity of posts that  are predominantly a...

The most interesting wedding I have attended in ages

  Our friends, Curt and Ria got married today and what a glorious South African one it was! The happy couple I need to tell you that I grew up in the old Dutch Reformed Missionary Church, the "coloured sister church of the then Dutch Reformed Church, the N.G Kerk that has an infamous history of supporting and spearheading spitirual and racial segregation in South Africa. My memories of attending the Dutch Reformed Church are dominated by stiff Afrikaans sermons, wearing hats and attending Sunday school only for the first two weeks of each year. We would sing all those beautiful hymns and choruses with such solemnity and at such a slow pace even the organist could take a body break and still be in time to lead us. Everything was so serious! So today, when we attended our friends' wedding ceremony in the Uniting Church of South Africa, the new name of the old Dutch Reformed Missionary Church in the heart of Rondebosch, I had sort of expected a more relaxed ambience ...

Flashback about my school days because of ironing linen

Our prefect corps The needlework class While I was ironing linen this morning ( and cursing this boring task), my mind drifted back to the days of our Needlework class and our teacher, Ms Roeloff. That was one lady we never messed with. In fact, we were terrified of her and her eyes that bored into you. Her petite frame belied her thunderous, firm voice and her solid gait. She reminded me of Shakspeare's lover in " My mistress's eyes are nothing like the sun.' You could not describe her well-coiffured hair as 'wires' but she definitely ' walked (thumped) on the ground'. I suppose if Shrek was around in my day, I think they would have been a perfect match. Once we were inside the needlework classroom, you would make sure your spine is erect, your head well positioned on your shoulders and your eyes receptive to the greeting. Of course, you would already have ensured your shoes are clean and your fingernails are cut short and minus nail varni...

Holiday periods should be embraced, not cursed

Scene from Kleinmond camp I know there are folk who secretly hate holidays, especially the long annual holidays. These are the ones who would deliberately delay their annual leave until after the crazy season. Then there are those who suddenly transform into grouchy souls and withdraw into themselves. Nope, we are not facing the world now... there is way too much nothingness around, I can almost hear them muttering to their collarbones. I cannot really blame them for wanting to avoid this sudden switch; emerging from the world whizzing past, to this pitstop in the middle of nowhere. I suppose it can become overwhelming when your regular patterns of work, sleep, social life and thought patterns are disturbed. Suddenly you don't have to respond to an alarm and rush off to wash, get dressed in work attire, face peak traffic and arrive at work, dreading all the demands on a conveyer belt. Suddenly and shockingly, you have to deal with YOU. Strangely, this life you craved for ...

The Cape Minstrel Carnival switches 2014 on for us

Cape Minstrel Carnival, 2014. Photo: Portia Butler Hooray, 2014 has now officially been ushered in. Yes, how could you miss the 35,000 colourful - in dress and name - troupes of The Cape Minstrel Carnival? They have been around for some 200 years, you know. And even if you and I were not there on the streets of Cape Town, we were surely represented by the thousands who made it their business to camp out, along the roadsides, to support and cheer on the marching, dancing, singing entertainers. Inevitably, whenever it is time for the Kaapse Klopse, there are many people whose backs start arching like feral cats. No purring... Just stifled shrieks: "It's really ridiculous, humiliating." "This is giving the criminal element free reign.." Blah...blah...blah. Uh huh? Is this really the 'home for all", then? Why don't we just embrace the Cape Minstrel Carnival, like we embrace the CDFA Mardigras, warts and all, with its crowd-puller, the beauty p...

Kleinmond Camping Site is worth a visit

We travelled to Kleinmond Camping site this year for our annual family camping treat. The Kleinmond campsite did not disappoint. In fact, the campsite is a family camper's dream venue. the campsite is situated in a Biosphere accredited by UNESCO, right there in the belt known as the Cape of Fynbos and hugged by the rugged Kogel berg mountain range. It is like camping in a nature reserve!   The facilities of the municipal campsite itself are as expected, basic, but there are areas of neglect like unkempt grass and overgrown camping nooks. However, the management of the resort has to be commended for keeping the public ablution facilities clean throughout the day and for also removing refuse regularly during the day with a final pickup early evening. Then of course, your camping neighbours can be quite colourful, but what the heck! Those who want absolute silence and complete privacy, should avoid these places where hardworking folk just want to relax, have fun and bond w...