I love to celebrate my birthday

I simply love the idea of a birthday.

The Birthday Girl doing her Nerdy thang!

A few weeks before my birthday, Basil and the children will start asking our famous question " And who will be celebrating a birthday on 4 July? I enjoy this teasing which has taken a bit of a turn because my children have finally realised that moms do age! So there's the bantering about my walk that is becoming slower and when I show any sign of longwindedness - heaven forbid!  My hairstyle comes under scrutiny and the way I dress is dissected. I am not supposed to wear too much make up because it does not suit me and my hair must be styled fashionably else the Lewinsky-kid syndrome goes haywire.  Of course, I enjoy this banter and play along
Desiree, Levona, Sharon, Erica and Devine in action

Desiree, Levona, Sharon, Erica and Devine with the most devine pout

Then when my birthday strikes, the mood is jovial, there is much singing and pampering to die for.  Throughout the day I am reminded of how wonderful and how gorgeous I am. Now who wouldn't want to hear that.
Brett looking on while the Nerdy gang gets the photoshoot underway

Birthdays are big in the family. When there is a birthday, you just rock up at the house - no invitation is required. I like to have a themed celebration. Last year we had to don wigs and this year, the Nerdy look became the theme by default. There will always be a humungous pot of vegetable soup and breads on the menu as well as a pot of mutton curry - my family and close friends expect this. Then with an energetic fire kept alive with logs throughout the night there is lots of laughter, jokes and stories to keep everyone light and jovial.

The Pouting Birthday Gal with Levona clowning 

Often the affair will end reasonably early to allow all the workers to get a few hours of sleep before the next day. But this was not to be as my last guest left just before 1 a.m. Naomi wasn't going to miss wishing her lifelong friend before trekking to the Karoo for a few days with her new beau.

I couldn't surface the next morning and put in a day's leave.  We decided to round off the birthday celebrations with a walk along the Muizenberg-St James Catwalk. The weather played along and despite the occasional dodging of the spray that hit the catwalk, we thoroughly enjoyed waking up all our lazy bones!

Rock art along the catwalk

Christo, Sasha and a few line fishermen enjoying the sunset

There are so many people who shy away from celebrating their birthdays as they get older. I think it is the fear of knowing they are getting older and the obsession with all the negativity that we associate aging with. I too am fully aware of Time, the Reaper, and I am equally aware of Time, the Restorer, the Gift, the Blessing. I see being able to enjoy another year as a wonderful blessing and a gift of grace from the Lord; more time to shape my life and more time to contribute to the well-being of others.  Life is too short to be so self-centred to fixate on age.  I love life and living cheerfully is an attitude well worth having.

St James and Kalk Bay in the distance

Cheers to all who celebrate life!


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