Lourier Primary School is moving their Flywheel

Two proud Lourier  learners showcasing their trophies and certificates

There is an Adam Small link to Lourier Primary

Lourier Primary school has a rich history closely tied to South Africa’s outstanding dramatist and poet, Adam Small. I read in the ATKV’s magazine, Taalgenoot, that Adam Small received the Hertzog prize in September  2012, 47 years after he had written the timeless drama, Kanna hy kÔ hystoe. (Kanna comes home). Adam Small says his father was the principal of Lourier Primary and this is where he, Adam, learnt about urban poverty on the Cape Flats.  This is what he had to say: “ Hier het ek Kaaps leer ken. Dis waar my protes poësie – my siel – beslag gekry het. Jy skryf omdat jy gehoor wil wees, maar jy skryf ook omdat ander mense gehoor wil wees.” (Thank goodness Google has translation capabilities!)

Well, I am sure Adam Small will be pleased to hear that Lourier Primary school wants to be seen AND heard. Despite the harsh socio-economic conditions and the challenges that have caused Lourier to experience major wobbles, we know that the school is ready for the upswing.  The evidence is there. 

Volunteer parents with their hard-earned Wordworks certificates
 Parents getting involved
Rashida the new principal and Denver, the very new Deputy principal are well placed to help Lourier grow to its former glory.  One of the positive signs is the involvement of volunteer parents who came on board with the Wordworks programme. This programme trains parents to help their children with their school work.  The parents also gain invaluable life skills along the way. They find themselves in a energizing space with likeminded parents, they acquire greater confidence and their communication skills are enhanced. How wonderful!  They have started moving the flywheel and we see great things happening.
Rashida Jardine (School Head) and Denver Cloete (Deputy Principal)  with learners and teacher
New Library

There is also a new library at the school and there is a deepening of a rhythm at the school that bodes well. Whenever I remind Rashida  - that we have an 18 month timeframe to have a sound foundational base, she gives those characteristic guffaws that get both of us in stitches. Today I repeat our benchmark when the conversation takes a wonderful meander.  Roslyn, the school secretary and definitely one of the stalwarts of the school, challenged me to explain exactly what was meant by '18 months.  So there  I was, giving a snapshot of the direction we see Lourier taking over the course of the next year or so with Roslyn nodding and asking pertinent questions to help her sharpen her own picture. It is very seldom that I encounter frontline staff being so vocal about their vested interest in the school's development and of course, I simply adore her passion and open loyalty to the school.

A homework class in the wings

Another exciting development is that Lourier has been awarded a sponsorship to start a homework class.  Is this not inspiring?
Proud, happy soccer players with an even brighter Lourier Flag!

 I am so blessed to be in partnership with Lourier and we share their ups and their downs – that is what community is all about, is that not so? We know that that the school is regaining its identity and the future has a smiling sun looking down on the Lourier community. 

We can’t wait for the 18-month clarion call!


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