I hope you have a Devine Fisher Friend in your life as well

" I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My friend D when she walks, treads on the ground.
And yet, by heaven, I think my friend D as rare
As any she belied with false compare. ( With apologies to Shakespeare, Sonnet 130)

Again, apologies to the Bard, but Sonnet 130, with a slight revision, captures exactly who my bestest friend, Devine is.

 Introducing Devinity

Do you have a friend who somehow knows when to contact you to either share something, create space for you to celebrate a moment or bemoan an issue ? Don't you feel that your friend seems to posssess ESP and can use her mental powers to transcend time and space to reach you pronto? Now, this is  what my friend, Devine ( or as I fondly call her 'Devinity') is.like It doesn't matter how far we are separated, Devine will find me when I need her most. She is simply amazing.

My biggest cheerleader

Devine is my biggest cheerleader in all aspects of my life and my most ardent mentor and coach. She has made it her life mission NOT to make me fail or at best, help mediate the hard lessons I have to learn. Throughout my teaching career and now as a district official,  I would regularly receive articles or quotations about good leadership. Before I can lay my hands on these capacity-building snippets, I am first given a phone call or a bbm message to explain the source of the material and a synopsis of key points that resonated with her.  Then only will these wise excerpts be passed on to me, via our letterbox. Just this morning, Basil retrieved a page from the Southern Mail community newspaper and a "Our Daily Bread September-November 2013 soggy booklet.  Mark my words: if I take too long ( read more than a few hours) to acknowledge receipt of my readings, the phone call or text message will follow soon...

I used to teach with Devine and we had a fantastic time teaching together. We used to serve together on committees and where Devine is, there is progress. Often, she would just slip in an idea during our normal conversation about streamlining a process or exploring other possibilities. She has an uncanny ability to see obstacles in our path and then very gently, steer us away from the threat. Nothing was impossible to achieve, except of course, when Devine swore she could raise R100,000 at her mielie stall as part of our 2008 school carnival event. I remember clearly how she used all the tricks in the book to reach target and they got close to it - well, except for the R95,500 shortfall!
Devine wearing the yellow glasses because she was 'framed' at the Murder Mystery Party in PJs! With Devine are: Sharon, Erica ( the other party animal) and Vanessa, 'maid' to wear housekeeper gear...

Devine the Energy generator

Now, you may be thinking Devine is such a serious nerdy person who performs her role as guardian angel so fanatically that she probably doesn't have time for fun. Oh no, if you want dynamite at a social, make sure you have Devinity there. Firstly, be prepared for the poker hat and secondly, look out for the black Good Hope Phatjam body warmer that we received at the Phatjam we hosted before the turn of the century. Then, thirdly, if the black handbag dangles loosely on the right wrist, Devine has arrived.

Without a drop of alcohol over her lips, she livens up any space with her sharp humour and her unorthodox antics. She would think nothing of tucking in her shirt or sweater and do a sultry belly-dancing move at the oddest of places. At one of my themed birthday parties, Devine's daughter, barred her from coming dressed as Shakiera or just wearing a belly-dancing belt as her costume. She is also the one who would quickly get me and Erica to go to some club where we would be absolutely silly and have the time of our lives. She has amazing reserves of energy and would look as 'together' when we leave one of these places while Erica and I would resemble Sleepwalkers!

Now for the Encore...

Yes, this is my chum, Devine Fisher, brilliant maths teacher, project manager supreme, stand-up comedian undiscovered and best of all, loyal, passionate community builder.

Thanks for being in my life, Devinity. You are an immeasurable treasure!


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