My blog is under construction as I move to self-hosted blogs.
By now many of you would have noticed that my blog is under SERIOUS construction. And what an exhilarating, frustrating journey it is! As a newbie to blog design, I am learning by trial and error on steroids. I am learning on the job and the Internet is my teacher. |
Why my blog is under construction
I have always argued that I don't want to run a niche blog because it is too restrictive. I want to share news, views and experiences about my day job, about family life and life in general. This is very much what I could do on my one and only active blog, |
As the interest in my blog is growing, so did the nagging thoughts of having to allow the blog to grow up too. I felt the time is ripe to split up the two primary themes: life reflections and reflections on education. Once I had become comfortable with this reality, I decided to self- host two blogs and then the drama started. |
Firstly, I had to buy my domains. Buying 3D Reflections of Life was easy because the name was available. Then the big hunt was on for a suitable name for my new blog on school life. Every single name I entered was already taken. I spent hours thinking up fancy, meaningful names, but each one of them was already taken. I thought I was never going to be able to find a name that was suitable. Eventually, my blog name, arrived in cyber world! I was over the moon. |
I am now a multiple blogger of two self-hosted blogs
So there you have the Introduction to my mad journey. I now run two blogs. The original blog, 3D Reflections of Life will primarily focus on reflections of family and life. The second blog, The School Corridor Tatler will be the school and eduction reflection hub. I have managed to embed these two blogs as a menu item in each other's navigation bars. In this way you will still have access to all the blog posts. |
There IS still a lot of work ahead. The blogs look rough and unappealing, but they will take shape as I am working on them. Now, like a PROUD mom, I share the launch of my self-hosted blogs with you. I will share my journey of blog reconstruction with you as I continue to reshape them. Thanks for sticking around and feel free to send me arm loads of energy and patience as I explore the world of designing my blogs. |
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