1D Mania in my house

Sasha and her 1D friends

My breathing has stabilized, finally. There is life after 1D. South Africa may be a dim memory for the 1D Boy band who is taking Dubai by storm in the next two days. The 1D hotties had probably forgotten about us AND I am glad they are out of my hair.  Yesterday, 1 April, was 1D day for my 1 Directioner and all the other fans here in Cape Town. They say our Cape Town Stadium rocked with 1D energy and delirious crowds.

 There is still the after glow of last night's 1D concert , but we can be normal in this house, whatever that means.  You will only understand if you have been living with five poster boys in your daughter's bedroom and if the smartphone is shoved under your nose to see another 1D fascination. Or if you feared for the collapse of the walls of your house when a 1D video appears on TV. Or, if all life in your car ends when the 1D songs play on the radio.

 Yes, life with 1 Directioners is that intense. These last few weeks were the worst. We were running only in one direction. In fact, we were pushing and shoving our way through along this ONE way since last year when the tickets for 1D went on sale here.

The 1D Golden Circle

Ticket craziness

I remember that day clearly. I refused to allow Sasha, my 1Directioner,  to skip school. After all, she was in Grade 12 and every day counts, they say. And, there was no way that I was going to stand in a queue for hours. I don't even do queues when I need to do grocery shopping. Queues have an uncanny way of bringing out my primeval instincts. But, I digress. Let me pick up the story.

When 9h00 struck on the morning of 1D ticket sales, I had logged on to the Big Concert website, had credit card at the ready and my finger was suspended like an athletic's starter's gun. I watched the countdown with relish and knew I was going to log on in seconds. Then, when the screen came alive, I punched in all the unnecessary stuff they wanted, breathing loudly and waited for the notification that I could purchase the ticket.

Online ticket crashes

I stared in disbelief when that irritating circle started dancing forever on the iPad screen. We were ambushed, my inner voice told me. Then, after a long time, I finally got through only to be told by this anonymous bot that works in the background: "Please try to log on to a computer. You cannot purchase a ticket on a mobile device." I panicked. Here was a world war pending.  I fiddled to get the computer set up and connected. By this time Sasha, who was sitting at school, in class, was texting me all the time.

"Golden circle, Mum. Did you get it? Love you, Mom". With dancing faces between the message bits.

I wanted to cry.  I didn't respond immediately. Another text came through. Gracious! Where was the teacher who was supposed to be watching the illegal use of cell phones in the class? Why was this professional allowing me to be harassed by one of his or her learners so early in the morning?

"Still trying, Sweetie," stated my text, all the while waiting to see how slowly I was moving in the virtual queue to buy the ticket. The next minute the words jumped from the screen: Golden Circle Tickets sold out! I was ready to pulverize the computer.  Again in the queue. I punched in my details again. Timed out, flashed the screen. I tried again and again. This was craziness, I shouted out to Basil. I saw that silent message in his eyes: "You'd better not get this one wrong." I was under pressure! Just when I wanted to give up after being timed out a thousand times, I finally succeeded. I had secured an East side and a West side ticket so that the 1D could decide which stadium direction suited her best.

The Big Hunt for the Golden Circle Ticket

The Passionate plea
It is suffice to say Madam was not impressed with Momma dearest. The Golden Circle ticket was the minimum for this 1D. Even if the stage was ring- fenced from the Golden Circle and the hotties looked better on the big screen, that is where this Directioner wanted to be.  So, between last year and February this year, our 1 Directioner scouted and negotiated to secure her Golden Circle ticket. She found one and her life was in order.

That is, until the news that her favourite 1D band member, Zayn Malik, withdrew from the group, broke just days before the concert here in Cape Town. The mood was sombre as our 1 Directioner mourned the departure of Zayn Malik. Even Punk Rock brother Christo was ready to console the unconsolable.  Time heals and for teenagers, a few days are a lifetime, anyway. So the darkness lifted after many Skype and WhatsApp conferences with the other 1 Directioners.

The celebration of the year  Zayn was born. 

1D concert mania hits

The last week of 1D Concert was worse than the preparation for Sasha's Matric Ball. 1D fever reached epidemic proportions. Thankfully, I was immune and was merely consulted when there was an absolute need for my opinion.  Of course, Daddy dearest was the perfect companion and chauffeur. I suspect he confused his 1 Directioner with the artists like Snoop Dog during his chauffeur days at the Cape Town International Jazz Festival years ago.

Life was all about "the 1D, no treble." The day before the concert, Sasha and her buddies spent the day at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town, I suppose, hoping to see their idols on a shopping spree.  On the eve of the concert, she spent the night branding her 1D Concert sweater. Sasha showed me the finished designer sweater and made the necessary complimentary sounds. She was happy and I could go and sleep. Early the next morning, on 1D Concert Day, Sasha left with her Dad to Cape Town, ready to sit in the sun until 18h00 the evening. All communication ended, like a blackout.

I got my daughter back at 00h30 after the 1D concert. Later this morning Sasha showed me the  1D concert pictures that form part of this post.  Our 1 Directioner is still wearing her own 1D sweater and she is busy watching all the Youtube videos of the concert.  Brother Christo is rather two-faced because as much as he listens and laughs with his 1D-drunk sister, he posted the following message on Facebook:

Christo's post - confirming Sasha's choice of her favourite 1D singer.


Aaah... we were just like that in our heyday.  I just hope that 1D does not become like one of my favourite R&B singers, Percy Sledge. When Percy Sledge came to South Africa not too long ago, I booked tickets for the entire family.  I wanted our kids to see our stars. What a disappointment! I wanted to take Percy Sledge and his vacuous mouth and kick him back to America. We sang along and most times, we carried the songs to save this poor man who was well past his sell-by date.

Then there is the big story that broke about Zayne Malik that released his solo demo on Soundcloud on the eve of the South African concert and the last leg of the 1D On the Road Again tour in Dubai this weekend. That was a speedy recovery, I'd say.

Let's hope our 1 Directioner can still take her family along to see 1D before they croak their way in an indoor venue like Mr Percy Sledge did.


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