Tribute to Eddie Lewin, My Brother-in-law

Today was a sad day for the Lewin Family. We lay our brother to rest after a short, sharp battle with cancer. I was greatly honoured to pay tribute to Eddie who has been a pillar of strength to his family and the extended family. I chose to share two extraordinary qualities Eddie possessed and the life lessons we have learnt from these. And here follows a snapshot of the tribute. Eddie with his grandchildren - always at the ready to entertain his grandchildren Eddie, the Master builder of relationships. Eddie was able to embrace people from all walks of life, from the young to the old, from the poor to the super rich. That was just the way he was. He was a real down to earth guy; what you saw is what you got. Because of his caring and sharing nature and being a natural nurturer, he kept his family - Geraldine and their four strappy sons - together as a unit. Raising children is difficult. We see how broken families are and how children are neglected or abused by their pa...