My Bio

Hello there

You know what has driven you here?  Your awesomeness, your natural curiosity to know who you are  engaging.  And, I just looooooove the company!

Drum Roll... Time to introduce myself...

Me and my treasures: Brett, Christo, granddaughter, Tanika, me and Sasha. Basil was the photographer.

Welcome to my blog, 3D Reflections of Life.

 I am sure you want to know what drives this blog, right? Well, this blog is (hopefully) an interesting  blend of my world. I am a working mom and I love my dual role. I am an education manager, serving eighteen schools that are situated on the Cape Flats, Cape Town and  I have a super family: Basil, my hubby (who keeps the balance in our home) and my three gorgeous children complete me.

From Left: Brett (eldest son), Basil, Sasha (my daughter), Ma Lewin, Sharon (me) and Christo (second son). This picture was taken on Sasha's Matric Farewell Day. 

I am passionate about reading, writing, sharing,  camping, sight seeing, nature - most things that are fun, beautiful and value -adding. God is my rock and it is through Him that I find the strength and the inspiration to be of service to others.

Kleinmond Camping resort is one of our popular family camping hangouts.

I love working with people and thoroughly enjoy being involved in education. I taught for 25 years at a high school and have been enriched and shaped by my colleagues and the young people I taught.

Eating freshly-farmed oysters with an oyster catcher in the Eastern Cape, along the Wild Coast.

So as I journey through all the various spaces, as a professional and as a homebody, I like to take a snapshot of life as it unfolds,sharing the good and the bad. Yep, that's how the posts are given life: a 3D reflection of all the action or non-action that fills my day.

Basil is probably tired of all the time he is called to pose with his better half!

Hope you enjoy the ride with me...


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