It's been a year since I had breast cancer and life is good.

Ayesha (far right), my past student and now wonderful radiologist, posing with me after the mammogram and ultrasound moments. On 18 May, it was a year after I had a lumpectomy. As you will recall, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and the option my surgeon, Dr Edge, recommended was a lumpectomy. Fortunately, there was no evidence of spreading after the binodal biopsy and thus I had to only go for radiation after the operation. The year had flown past. Just the other day, my family and I were dealing with all the visits to the hospital for the lumpectomy, the 30 daily sessions of radiation and then the recovery period. In fact, our lives went back to normal pretty soon after this trauma and life has been good. Sometimes when certain well-meaning folk enquire about my health whenever they see me, my mischievous streak hovers below the surface. When they ask , "And how is your health now?" their voices drop, their mouths contort ...