Depression during the Festive season is real and can be treated.

Christmas tree

If you are feeling depressed, more so than during the year, don't despair. The festive season can become overwhelming for those who are already vulnerable and stressed. Remember, for eleven months, you followed a regular pattern of work, family commitments and social engagements. If you experienced any trauma during the year, that routine probably helped to soften those blows.


The Festive season, aptly called the Silly season, can be an overwhelming three-week rush. There may be too much unpredictability. You may not be prepared mentally for the additional pressures and the fast pace. Suddenly you have more time to think, to socialise and your budget is taxed because of gifts.


Support group, The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (Sagad), confirms that seasonal depression is real and affects many people. If you feel depressed, seek help soon else you may become more stressed. Call on supportive friends, family and Sagad.


Keep perspective. Take care of yourself by sleeping and eating properly. Do some of the things you normally do, control your budget and plan your social calendar to suit you. You were wonderfully and fearfully made to be happy and content.


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